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Full list of publications can be found here: 

There is a striking sex bias in the prevalence and severity of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with 80% of diagnoses occurring in males.  It is difficult, however, to investigate the physiological mechanisms driving sex-specific differences in ASD. Loss of function mutations in TSC1  underlie a multi-system disorder known as tuberous sclerosis (TSC). Interestingly, more than 50% of individuals diagnosed with TSC are also diagnosed with ASD, making TSC mutations one of the most prevalent monogenic causes of ASD. Mice harboring targeted deletion of Tsc1 selectively in cerebellar Purkinje neurons, referred to here as Tsc1 mutants, have multiple ASD-linked behavioral impairments. However, these ASD-linked behavioral deficits have only been investigated using male Tsc1 mutant animals. Here, we used cohorts of male and female Tsc1 mutant animals to determine if behavioral impairments are similar across sexes. Specifically, we measured balance and motor coordination and social interaction behaviorsacross sexes. We determined balance and motor coordination deficits are similar in male and female mutants, and that deficits in the firing of Tsc1 mutant Purkinje neurons are also similar across sex. However, impairments in social approach behavior were significantly more severe in Tsc1 mutant males than females. These results indicate the selective deletion of Tsc1 in Purkinje neurons differentially impairs cerebellar circuits based on sex.


The resurgent sodium current (INaR) activates on membrane repolarization, such as during the downstroke of neuronal action potentials. Due to its unique activation properties, INaR is thought to drive high rates of repetitive neuronal firing. However, INaR is often studied in combination with the persistent or noninactivating portion of sodium currents (INaP). We used dynamic clamp to test how INaR and INaP individually affect repetitive firing in adult cerebellar Purkinje neurons from male and female mice. We learned INaR does not scale repetitive firing rates due to its rapid decay at subthreshold voltages and that subthreshold INaP is critical in regulating neuronal firing rate. 


The resurgent component of the voltage-gated sodium current (INaR) is a depolarizing conductance, revealed on membrane hyperpolarizations following brief depolarizing voltage steps. Based on the acquired experimental data and the simulations, we propose that resurgent Na+ influx occurs as a result of fast inactivating Nav channels transitioning into an open/conducting state on membrane hyperpolarization, and that the decay of INaR reflects the slow accumulation of recovered/opened Nav channels into a second, alternative and more slowly populated, inactivated state. 


Purkinje neurons, the sole output of the cerebellar cortex, deliver GABA-mediated inhibition to the deep cerebellar nuclei. To subserve this critical function, Purkinje neurons fire repetitively, and at high frequencies, features that have been linked to the unique properties of the voltage-gated sodium (Nav) channels expressed. In addition to the rapidly activating and inactivating, or transient, component of the Nav current (INaT) present in many types of central and peripheral neurons, Purkinje neurons, also expresses persistent (INaP) and resurgent (INaR) Nav currents.


The resurgent component of voltage-gated Na+ (Nav) currents, INaR, has been suggested to provide the depolarizing drive for high-frequency firing and to be generated by voltage-dependent Nav channel block (at depolarized potentials) and unblock (at hyperpolarized potentials) by the accessory Navβ4 subunit. To test these hypotheses, we examined the effects of the targeted deletion of Scn4b (Navβ4) on INaR and on repetitive firing in cerebellar Purkinje neurons.


Mutations in FGF14, which encodes intracellular fibroblast growth factor 14 (iFGF14), have been linked to spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA27). In addition, mice lacking Fgf14 (Fgf14(-/-)) exhibit an ataxia phenotype resembling SCA27, accompanied by marked changes in the excitability of cerebellar granule and Purkinje neurons. It is not known, however, whether these phenotypes result from defects in neuronal development or if they reflect a physiological requirement for iFGF14 in the adult cerebellum. Here, we demonstrate that acute and selective in vivo "knock-down" of iFGF14 in adult Purkinje neurons attenuates spontaneous and evoked action potential firing without measurably affecting the expression or localization of voltage-gated Na(+) channels 

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Ransdell Neuro Miami University

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